A simple bullet hell game, where your mission is survive. Shoot a "plasma-like" gun and destroy your enemies with dual laser. Your enemy will keep distance from you. 

Left mouse to shoot plasma-like gun

Right mouse to shoot dual laser 

Space to pause game

WASD... you know what is for

Tips : 

> Your enemies will drop green capsule to restore your health

> Kill enemies to gain energy for your dual laser

> There is invisible wall so you can't go to other galaxy or whatever

This is my first game so it still simple (still learning lol). Pretty sure there will be a bug somewhere (even thought i already fix some bug before i publish). There only 2 sound effect (when you shoot gun and when you take damage). I plan to update this game like give soundtrack (this gonna take long time because i very new to music so it will take a while to learn it ), more enemy type, more sfx, pick up / power up,  difficulty, give a good main menu (and game art), and much more.

I appreciate any feedback :D. You can contact my email raffaelwellas32@gmail.com

See ya later (')>/

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